It's all about navels.

Don't like what you see? Come back later, it will be different!

In fair orchard, where we lay our scene,
Amidst the boughs, two navels gleam pristine,
From ancient roots and branches intertwine,
A tale of fruit, where sun and soil combine.

In Verona's grove, where oranges grow wild,
Two navels stood apart, like Nature's child,
One bathed in morning's light, a radiant hue,
The other kissed by dusk, a deeper view.

Their stories told through cycles of the moon,
One rising high, the other dipped in swoon,
Both nurtured by the earth, their roots entwined,
Two navels in the orchard, destiny defined.

But hark! A rivalry, like Tybalt's ire,
Among the fruits, a feud to never tire,
The morning's navel claimed the sun's embrace,
While evening's navel sought its resting place.

With branches bent and leaves in whispered talk,
The orchard watched as dusk and dawn did walk,
For in their rivalry, a truth to glean,
That both held beauty in their golden sheen.

'Twas not for them to squabble and to feud,
For Nature's wisdom knew what both pursued,
In harmony they thrived, a wondrous sight,
Two navels in the orchard, day and night.

The fruits soon realized their childish strife,
A lesson learned of balance in their life,
No longer did they battle for the sun,
But shared the sky, and in their unity, begun.

And thus, the orchard flourished, leaves and boughs,
With both the morning's kiss and evening's vows,
For in this tale, Shakespearean in verse,
Two navels found their fate in Nature's course.

Featured Recipe:

Delicious and refreshing navel orange salad:


    2 navel oranges, peeled and segmented
    1/2 cup red onion, thinly sliced
    1/4 cup chopped fresh mint
    1/4 cup crumbled feta cheese
    1/4 cup olive oil
    2 tablespoons lemon juice
    1 teaspoon salt
    1/2 teaspoon black pepper


    In a large bowl, combine the oranges, onion, mint, and feta cheese.
    In a small bowl, whisk together the olive oil, lemon juice, salt, and pepper.
    Pour the dressing over the salad and toss to coat.
    Serve immediately.


    For a sweeter salad, use blood oranges instead of navel oranges.
    If you don't have feta cheese, you can use goat cheese or Parmesan cheese instead.
    You can also add other ingredients to the salad, such as chopped walnuts, almonds,
    or dried cranberries.

This salad is a great light lunch or dinner option. It is also a refreshing side dish
for grilled chicken or fish.

This site is not affiliated in any way with the US Navy, the US government, or any other agency, service or institution. This site is about navels, not navals. Were you looking for the US Naval Academy? Well, first learn to spell, then perhaps click here .
Tuesday, 22 October 2024 07:14:30 UTC